How Did Winston Churchill A Risk Taker

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“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874 and was many things, including the prime minister of Great Britain from 1940-1955 and 1951-1955. He led Great Britain in its dark days in World War II and shaped the Allies’s strategy to win the war. Winston Churchill was a risk-taker, a communicator, and knowledgeable.

Winston Churchill was a risk-taker. According to Hillsdale College, “When Churchill went to France in 1944, Cunningham-Reid [a Member of Parliament] was outraged: “The Prime Minister should not risk his life unnecessarily…. Was there ever such a good target as the one presented by our not inconspicuous Prime Minister perched up high on a Jeep? Nobody could have mistaken or missed that massive figure, complete with cigar to identify him…” This means that in order to defend Great Britain and the Allied Powers, Winston Churchill was ready to risk his life traveling from Great Britain to France to meet Allied leaders like Einsenhower, the commander of the U.S. army, Alan Brooke, a senior officer of the British army, and many other important people with influence and power. This shows that Winston Churchill was a risk-taker because in order to help Great Britain and the Allies, he was willing to risk …show more content…

As claimed by Andrew Roberts, “"Winston Churchill managed to combine the most magnificent use of English — usually short words, Anglo-Saxon words, Shakespearean…...and also this incredibly powerful delivery. And he did it at a time when the world was in such peril from Nazism, that every word mattered." This means that Winston Churchill was able to communicate his ideas to his people and inspire them in a time of hardship. This shows that Winston Churchill was a communicator because he was able to communicate his ideas to other people and inspire them. Apart from being a communicator and a risk-taker, Churchill was also