How Did Ww2 Contribute To The Rise Of Fascism

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In World War I, over 37 million people lost their lives fighting for their country because of nationalism, industrialism, imperialism, and militarism. After the war was over, the League of Nations formed and the Treaty of Versailles was signed so a war that big would never take place again . But only 20 years later, World War II breaks out and claims the lives 55 million soldiers,fighting for their nations. In the time gap between the end of WWI and the beginning of WWI, fascism started appealing to European countries such as Germany and Italy, Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany, and Japan starts to industrialize. World war II was a continuation of WW1 because the Treaty of Versailles caused a Germany to fall even deeper into economic hardship,that …show more content…

World War I caused Germany to fall into a lot of debt because they were held responsible for the damages caused in WW1. According to Fest in “The Rise of Hitler”, fascism started spreading through Europe because there was a fear of the Bolshevik turning Germany into a communist state (Fest 399). Due to all of the economic hardships caused by the GGD, and the fear of revolution, fascist groups, such as the nazi party, started popping up all over Germany. Fascism's spread can also be attributed to the major support it had from the middle class as opposed to the lower working class. The middle class supported fascism because the middle class went from self employed or being an employer to being employed as wage labor by an employer (Fest 401). In Germany,the citizens had a common interest to get out of this economic depression and fascism seemed to of given them the option too, so everyone agreed with it (Fest 402). The rise of fascism helped Hitler come to power and turn Germany from a broken nation, into a whole one with a common goal: Turn Germany into the super power it once was, or die …show more content…

During WW2, the price to keep up an army was so high that the only way nations could pay it was by winning battles (Spodek 698).Having a strong military was very valuable for Germany because they used it to invade other countries such a Poland to start WW2.The build up in creating a stronger military to defend or invade other countries shows how militarism and imperialism were clearly factors in the events leading up to WW2. Militarism and Imperialism were not the WW1 cause seen in WW2. Alliances play a major role in WW1 and WW2. Two major superpowers at the time, the USSR and Germany, agreed to a nonaggression pact with each other and agreed to divide the conquered land of Poland between the two nations which shocked the world (Spodeck 699). Germany later broke the nonaggression pact with Russia by invading, The Soviet Union, on June 22nd, 1941 ,but this left the Germans open to a victorious attack by Great Britain (Spodeck 700-701). When major nations in Europe, beefed up their military, invaded other countries, and formed/broke alliances, it had a huge impact on WW2 and can be seen in the roots of the causes of

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