How Divorce Start To Finish Essay

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After reading about How Divorces Work Start to Finish, it was interesting to read about the beginning process of a divorce through the end of it. Also, it was neat to learn about the Tennessee Divorce Process as well. According to the article, “In Tennessee divorce law, there are only two ways to end a marriage: a divorce trial or a settlement. Almost everyone agrees that a settlement is less traumatic and does less damage to everyone involved, especially children” (Mason, para. 1). I can definitely see why a lot of divorce couples tend to do a settlement instead of going to trial because it cost less than a trial, and it is a lot less stressful as well. On the other hand, I enjoyed reading how a divorce get started, and what they do after …show more content…

Divorce mediation first emerged as a distinct practice in the 1970s until it was implemented in 1981. “In divorce mediation, divorcing or divorced parents meet together with an impartial third party who helps them to identify, discuss, and hopefully resolve disputes that result from divorce” (Emery, pg. 377). I had no idea how much these divorce people rely on a mediator to help them through their divorce. Mediators help their clients through an out-of-court negotiation to see if they can help their clients settle instead of going to court. Also, I had no idea that a mediator has no power to decide the outcome of the dispute. I really liked how the article says “Mediation offers the promise of promoting more positive family relationships after divorce” (Emery, pg. 378). After reading this article, I believe that a mediator can promote positive family relationships because they work with families and try to get them to settle instead of going to court. By them doing this, it could prevent negative things where couples are not getting along because they cannot agree on things. I enjoyed reading this article and learning more about a

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