How Do Aspects Determine That A Community Of People Have Become A Civilization

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How do aspects determine that a community of people have become a civilization?
Aspects can be determined that a community of people has become a civilization by having an education, a government, and an economy.
The holocaust had many education systems. Men that were in the Nazi army had to learn how to shoot the guns, and how to run things. A civilization needs education, so people can learn things and become a smart adult for the future so they could get a job when they were an adult. The Nazi army needed an education on learning different places. (example: The death march, the Nazi party needed to know where they were going, so they had to learn in school, books or tutors.)
Adolf Hitler was Chancellor, mostly in charge of the Nazi army. He was in power throughout the years of 1933-1945. The Nazi army was really called The German Workers party, until Adolf Hitler changed it and named it the Nazi party, and they killed over 1 million people, mostly jews. A government can be good for a civilization, so people don’t make wrong mistakes and get in trouble.
Economy …show more content…

Some of the people that were in the camps helped the Nazi party because they were forced to work like the Jews. Some of the Jews were forced to burn the dead bodies of the people that had died from either the gas chambers or of a shot wound, or because they did something wrong and the soldiers didn’t like it.
Some people say that the holocaust didn’t exist, and some people do believe the holocaust exists. Well here’s a question: If the holocaust didn’t exist, why would people make it up, why would there be a lot of websites and books about the holocaust? The holocaust had an education, government and a little bit of an economy throughout the years.

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