How Do Microscopic Discoveries Lead To Immense Advancements In Cell Theory?

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Microscopic Discoveries Lead to Immense Advancements in Cell Theory How the Development of technology has Furthered our Understanding of Cell Biology By Leah Serra The Development of Cell Theory The cell theory is a scientific theory that describes the basic properties of cells. The cell theory states that: Before 1665, there was no knowledge of cells as they were too small to be seen. With the invention of the microscope, scientists were able to see a whole new world and found out that large organisms like us, are in fact made up of billions of tiny pieces called cells. Technology such as microscopes contributed to cell theory and our current understanding of cell biology. In 1665, the cell was discovered and named by an English scientist called …show more content…

The first scanning confocal laser microscope was built in 1969 by David Egger and Paul Davidovits, two other micrscopists. (Wilson, 2018) During the 1990s, advances in optics and computing used in the confocal microscope were made such as more stable and powerful lasers, more efficient mirrors, and lower-noise photodetectors. Higher resolution monitors and printers produced more stunning and informative confocal images. These developments in optics and computer technology have resulted in improved confocal microscope capabilities and better understanding of cell biology. Technological advances in confocal microscopes have opened a new world to biologists interested in the dynamic complexities of the cell. Green fluorescent protein or ion fluxes can be followed through entire living cells and tissues in three dimensions. (Wright and Wright, 2002) Development of the Confocal Microscope How have confocal microscopes furthered our understanding of cell biology? Introduced in 1955, confocal microscopy has since become more commonly used, particularly after the invention of lasers in the

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