How Does Alzheimer's Disease Affect Family Members

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Alzheimer’s disease and the effects on family members
Diana Gonzalez
Community College of Aurora Psychology 101-112 4/10/2017

There have been studies that examine the effects of family members of those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. These studies looked at how care givers are effected. They can have depression prior to or after the death of the person diagnosed with the disease (Stroebe, Zech, Stroebe, & Abakoumkin, 2005). Other studies showed how family member is of Alzheimer’s and the patients care giver had more interaction with physicians than the patients. (Fortinsky, 2001). Another study showed how a family members experience change (Välimäki et al.,2012). Others showed …show more content…

Also, there has been evidence that shows that family caregiver interaction with physicians is significantly higher than that of the patient (Fortinsky, 2001). Furthermore, family member experience lots of changes when a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (Välimäki et al.,2012). There are also changes in intimate relationship changes (Fortune & Reid, 1998).
Limitations of these studies
A limitation of most of these studies is that self-reports for each individual with their ability to recall information accurately can vary. Some of these studies had little representative samples so can’t generalize findings. Another limitation was that telephone interviews were done. This makes it hard to see one’s reactions of the questions being asked.
Conclusion and Future …show more content…

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