
How Does Atticus Finch Show Wisdom In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Atticus the Song Bird By:Chris Lombardi D-Block (H)English Atticus Finch best represents the mockingbird character that Miss Maudie talks about and that Harper Lee wrote about. Atticus Finch shows time and time again that his age, his experience, and his wisdom help him to be a great father and lead his kids in the right direction. At first Atticus’s kids don’t really hold him up in any fantastic light they even call him boring compared to other parents but throughout the book Atticus does many small and big things to show his kids that he isn’t boring or cowardly, in fact he shows them that he can do anything the other parents can do and more. This especially comes to light when the trial is taking place and he uses his moral compass to decide what is the right thing to when he is honorably defending Tom Robinson for a crime that he didn’t even commit. Atticus gains a great deal of respect from his children after the ordeal and his considered in the …show more content…

This is when Jem destroys Mrs. Dubose’s flower in rampage with a baton. This is after Mrs. Dubose calls Atticus and his family “Lawing for niggers,” (135) and went even further after clearly hurting Jem and Scout by saying “What has the world come to.” (135) In these racist attacks on Atticus’s morals and his family’s Atticus is able to keep cool and have Jem figure things out for himself. This is because when he hears the news he sends Them over to apologize. This tell us so much about Atticus’s character because of the fact that most parents in the town would support a revenge act if Mrs. Dubose said something terrible out their family not Atticus though. Atticus wishes to cause no trouble and fix the current damage to cause no harm at all which can further point to the statement that Atticus is the person with the most similar Mockingbird like

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