How Does Beethoven Show Individualism

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Symphony No.5, composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven, was one of the most well known compositions in western history. Breaking the fundamentals of Classical traditions, Beethoven started the opening motif with a four note opening, short-short-short-long), which shows up in rock and roll and disco (Wiener). The popularity of this composition followed through until the Modern Era as well as bridging the surface of the Classical and Romantic period, impacting future music. The Enlightenment period was an age of reason, allowing the unordinary composition Beethoven created express individualism. Critics first appearance of the C minor was adequate although turning around that idea a couple years later into becoming acceptable and more than ordinary. …show more content…

Beethoven was born of a family of three generations in musical background in Bonn, Germany (WQXR). His father Johann Beethoven discovered his sons sterling talent and turned his childhood in an establishment to becoming a musical prodigy. Sooner or later his father started an abusive method when not meeting his acceptable expectations of performances. Ludwig Van Beethoven became the male figure in the house from all of the succession he was being appraised for by the age of 16 in Bonn (Munteanu), shamelessly turning his father to excessively drink. Nevertheless, Beethoven created a distance from his father carrying depression through his teenage years. Whenever his mother passed in 1787, his father progressively got worse, leaving Beethoven with the grief of not being with his siblings. His father was known as a disgrace in the community leaving episodic emotions within Beethoven. Beethoven incorporated the dark, grief and inner peace of his work which were influenced socially and culturally. No matter the difficulty Beethoven never aimed it negatively towards his music, his music was the one thing he opened his emotions to, creating individualism. The themes in his music could be seen as characters in a drama

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