How Does Billy Collins Use Imagery In Snow Day

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After reading Snow Day, by Billy Collins, and Facing It, by Yusef Komunykaa, both poems were filled with a lot of imagery. However, one poem (although describing concrete) was more abstract or using concepts terms, rather than the other poem which was using more concrete or touchable terms. The poem, Snow Days, continuously depicts tangible items throughout such as, snow, landscape, mouse, buildings, tea, radio, children to name a few. Billy Collins, poem invokes imagines of many concrete or touchable items. Collins starts out by including others with the singular word “we”. This in itself includes vast majority of people regardless of age, status, or gender. This poem is calling up the child we all once were, regardless of what our age is now. It even pulls us out of our rushing and scurrying about by taking us back to the excitement and at the same time tranquility of the perfect “snow day” when life is shut down or delayed. That would be the reason for a stronger emphasis on concrete terms. …show more content…

Komunykaa mesmerizes with deep thought provoking images from a war that has not necessarily physically touched you or I. He displays emotional turmoil and although some can relate to a degree it is a personal rendition, it can evoke different responses. I think expelling and play to more emotionally felt dramatizations. That would be the reason behind a stronger use of