How Does Blake's Relationships Develop

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Blake’s confidence in herself and her environment continues to grow. She has developed a strong relationship with many of her educators and is developing friendships with her peers. Blake is a a social being and now that she is a little older she is seeking the other children out. Blake has formed relationships with Pipier, Ivy, Annabella and Georgia. However will happily play with any of the children. Blake is learning to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. She is showing an interest in other children and being part of a group (Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity) This is demonstrated each day when we lay group games. Blake enthusiastically joins in and is beginning to follow the rules and predict …show more content…

Blake explores different identities and points of view through this play. She dresses up usually with the high heels and a bag and totters off. This interest has strengthened her friendship with Annabella and also scaffolded other parts of Blake's development. Blake has begun seeking Annabella out in the yard and joining into other games. This creates a new element to Blake's play, broadens her interests and often sees Blake interacting with different children, thus creating further friendships. Blake is deeply connected with the natural environment and each day she asks to see the worms. Initially she did not want to touch them, yet still was intrigued, slowly she gained the courage to hold them. Blake has been an active part of looking after our vegetable garden and often wants to see the chickens, as long as they don’t come to close to her. Blake is developing an understanding of her identity in the world and shows a respect and an appreciation for the natural environment. (Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their …show more content…

We have worked with Blake and your family to support her to overcome this fear. Blake displays some nervous behaviours when she becomes unsure/ scared (tongue play). To support Blake's wellbeing we have created sound games and implemented group times that focus on self regulation and focused breathing. These include yoga and the breathing ball. Establishing these strategies will support Blake in the future as she begins to implement these strategies to calm and soothe herself during uncomfortable or stressful moments. Blake is more than confident in her physical abilities, she continues to challenge herself further by taking risks and using trial and error. (Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners). Blake is an effective communicator. As her language continues to develop she is beginning to be able to express her needs, interests and ideas. (Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators) Blake is becoming aware of her rights and the rights of others and becoming increasingly confident in asserting herself. Blake has demonstrated a strong interest in books and group times. She is eagerly involved in story time and often recalls the verses and sings along. Her developing language sees her being able to engage with the older children and strengthen these friendships that she will take with her to the Dreamtime