How Does Child Labour Link To The Class Theme Of Disposable People?

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What is the impact of child labour on the economic growth? the economy is said to eradicate child labour as the countries economy grows and develop over time although child labour causes the country to fall back on their economic growth, therefore, stunting their development. Child labour leads to increased illiteracy rates and this can be really harmful to the economy because this then leads to high unemployment rates due to lack of requires skills. Furthermore, unemployment leads to less disposable income and fewer taxes are paid. This then pushes the country into a debt crisis since the unemployment rate is high, and this can really put a dent in the economy. This would then require the government to demand higher tax revenues to prevent …show more content…

Given these points, it is clear to see and understand why child labour is such a huge problem in LEDC’s. Taking into account their lack of proper resources they are unable to provide for themselves through the more ethical ways and have to go down paths like child labour for them to be able to survive. How does child labour link to the class theme of disposable people? Child labour links to the class theme of disposable people due to the fact that these children forced into child labour tend to feel isolated and detached from the rest of the world. The media has put a lot of emphasis on child labour and it has allowed the rest of the world to be educated about the situation. Although that doesn't essentially stop it from happening. These children are easily forgotten because what they are going through doesn't directly affect the rest of the society and the thoughts for them are easily eradicated from most individuals

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