How Does Collectivism Affect Aboriginal People

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Source 1 depicts the lack of collectivism between the Aboriginal people and the generation we live today. This shows the strong liberal stance in which has been imposed onto the minds of Aboriginal people. “In the earlier days, people shared food even if they didn’t have much, as long as there was a little bit of extra food” shows the major decline of food in the ancient generation of Inuit people. When people came close to each other, their collectivist ideas grew into a much a larger extent in which sharing became a fundamental part of their life. These people are not been bothered to look after, thereby growing into a minority society. Their co-operation is evidently deficient, therefore leading to an increase in individualistic ideas. The rich people who are in the first class are greedy who …show more content…

The second source is a political cartoon in which a businessman is talking to a bear. “In my day, bears worked for their honey”, he said to the bear. The cartoon relates to the period which is the late 1900’s. The source is economic since inequalities are extensively demonstrated in the days that have passed. The bear portrays the effect of the unemployment rate that was drastically increased and reached to a maximum point. The Industrial Revolution is a unique example which can be related to this cartoon. The gentleman signifies the wealth and prosperity are gained only through individualistic actions and not by collectivist ideas to profit economically. Economic freedom is also shown in the cartoon through the people who are walking in the streets depicting that no one is wealthy until the individual has strived to gain self-interest. Therefore, self-interest encourages competition between individuals in the economy. Adam Smith would propose this political cartoon in which he could describe that hardworking and the brightest people achieve the most economic