
How Does Daisy Buchanan Repeat The Past In The Great Gatsby

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“Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories” -Steven Right. Indeed, when you think of the past, it brings back memories. In the book, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is hung up on Daisy Buchanan. After years of not speaking and not seeing her, he tries to regain her trust and bring back the past once more. The main conflict in the text was Gatsby trying to repeat the past. He has been away from Daisy so long, he thinks it is easy to bring back what they had. It states in the text ¨I would not ask too much of her.. You can´t repeat the past.¨ “¨Can´t repeat the past?¨..¨Why of course you can!¨” (Fitzgerald 110). Due to Gatsby trying to get things back to how they used to be, he has to face the present. …show more content…

Including her husband Tom Buchanan. Tom Buchanan was known to be very wealthy his whole life. Gatsby and Tom have many similarities but there is only one person who is better off for Daisy. Gatsby had tried to bring back the feelings they both had for eachother many years ago. For example, it states ¨..there was a change in Gatsby that was simply confounding. He literally glowed.¨ (). Daisy had brought happiness to Gatsby and without her being with him, he was not himself. Jay had planned that once they reunite, everything will go back to normal. He believed that they would spend the rest of their lives together once he had returned. Daisy kept going along with Jay´s dream giving him false hope. ¨Your wife doesn´t love you. She´s never loved you. She loves me¨ (Fitzgerald 132). Gatsby had to soon face the reality that Daisy would never be with him. She has put all these ideas in his head as if they are truly in love and they will be together forever. Daisy´s mind game does not last long due to the truth being revealed. Daisy states ¨Even alone I can´t say, I never loved Tom..¨ (Fitzgerald 133). This was a shocking moment for Gatsby where he realized that to Daisy he wasn´t anything but a second choice to her. Daisy is very confused at this …show more content…

The Buchanans represent old money and Gatsby represents new money. Gatsby had done everything he could to try to make his dream come true with Daisy. In the text, it seems as if the individuals who had just become wealthy have more of a heart then those who have been wealthy their entire life. While Gatsby and Nick speak about Daisy, Gatsby says ¨Her voice is full of money.. high in a white palace the king´s daughter, the golden girl (Fitzgerald 120). As many individuals including Daisy they have let wealth ruin themselves. They believe that just because they are rich that they are better than anyone else which can cause some to act they are better than everybody else. For Daisy, Furthermore, In the story there are two sides, new money and old money, also known as West egg and East egg. The Buchanans represent old money and Gatsby represents new money. Gatsby had done everything he could to try to make his dream come true with Daisy. In the text, it seems as if the individuals who had just become wealthy have more of a heart then those who have been wealthy their entire life. While Gatsby and Nick speak about Daisy, Gatsby says ¨Her voice is full of money.. high in a white palace the king´s daughter, the golden girl (Fitzgerald 120). As many individuals including Daisy they have let wealth ruin themselves. They believe that just because they are rich that they are

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