How Does Daisy Buchanan Represent In The Great Gatsby

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Colored Petals
Daisy Buchanan plays the love interest of Gatsby in the story of The Great Gatsby. Though this story has a twist, because Daisy’s husband,Tom, does not appreciate Gatsby being interested in his wife. Daisy has the characteristics of a sweet, intelligent young lady who is loyal to her husband, friends and self at the beginning of the story. We soon learn that Daisy has a mask that is colored white and yellow. At first Daisy is a flat character who came from wealth, is still wealthy, and will always be. Although, after reading Fitzgerald's piece of literature, you find that she fluctuates from shallow and deep to feeling and unfeeling. There is not enough change occurring to consider her a round character, however she is not entirely …show more content…

Daisy’s mask she holds over her face throughout the novel is described as white. At first (and maybe even second) glance Daisy will seem “pure, innocent, and perfect” (Scott-Kemmis). She is seen wearing the color white in numerous times during the story, and even her car (before she was married) was white as well as her house. Although it is more clear towards the end of the novel that Daisy is actually selfish, and careless, she attempts to hang on to her white innocents by remaining with Tom. Daisy stuck with him and now just lives as a foolish women as shown in this quote. “[Their inconsequential conversation]... was as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of desire” (Fitzgerald 12). White is portrayed in this quote as …show more content…

Gatsby fed into her desire to be desired but failed on having the “old money” that she really is searching for. Even though people of new money don't know how to handle their money they are proven to have the warmest hearts (Jay Gatsby for example). McLennan states, “Unfortunately, God's Boy, the son of God who was the Great Gatsby, attached himself to an unworthy object of love” (6). Daisy Buchanan’s only purpose shows to go into someone's life and make it so much harder for them by walking out because she does not receive what she’s searching for. Suddenly she doesn’t seem appropriately dressed and housed in all of her white belongings. As previously stated, this lady is a professional at holding onto a