How Does Dill Show Maturity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Commonly, everyone thinks that the age that kids start to show personality traits that corresponds with an adult is between 14-20. Growing up and becoming an adult is a hard thing to do, but it is also one of the hardest things in life. Many authors use this concept as a main idea in their novels. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the author expresses the responsibilities of being an adult and maturity, by the way the main characters develop throughout the story. Many kids today deal with the same problems that Scout and Jem do. The responsibilities of an adult are very hard to transition into. Many adult expect teenagers to understand these new feeling that they have and to deal with them on their own, even though they are …show more content…

All of these characters include Dill and Walter Cunningham also show maturity in their words and actions. Firstly, during the trial of Tom Robinson Dill starts crying out of nowhere and him and Scout have to leave the courtroom because Dill can not get a hold of himself (Lee 265-270). In the book, Dill explains that he was crying because he was sad for Tom Robinson and he thought that the court was not being fair with him and his case. Secondly, Walter is a good example of adult traits because he was raised in a way that made him an independent person that didn’t take anything he couldn’t repay. On the first day of school, Walter didn’t have a packed lunch or any money for lunch and Miss. Caroline offered to lent him money, but he would have to repay her the next day. Walter politely declined her offer multiply times, but he never said no, he just kept on shaking his head. Scout had to tell Miss. Caroline the reason behind Walter refusing this. Also when Scout was beating him up for getting her in trouble, he never tried to fight back, which is a trait that most adults need in life (26-31). In conclusion, Scout was not the only character that experienced coming of age in the