How Does Dracula Change Throughout The Play

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Dracula written by Bram Stoker and adapted by David Calcutt. In the beginning of the play, Dracula, Welcomes an estate agent who is called Jonathan, who is from England. Trying to sell Dracula's house. Jonathan tries to sell a house to Dracula in England, So Dracula’s has a place to live, He also found out who Mina was and wants her to be with him. Throughout the start of play Dracula seems Nice, Friendly, Welcoming, Charming, comforting. But he changes in the middle of the play to make you feel weird, obsessive, Mysterious, threatening and scary but at the end of the play Dracula makes us feel he is terrifying, Evil, Horrible and Sneaky.

At the Beginning of the play, Dracula is introduced to the audience as a kind and generous gentleman …show more content…

Dracula makes Jonathan feel at home: “You must be tired. Your room is at the top of the stairs. I hope you find it comfortable” The word comfortable suggests that Dracula is trying to seem friendly, So Jonathan can earn his trust so he can get something from him. This point of the play the audience feel that you can trust him how he acts friendly, comforting and protecting Jonathan.

Dracula is reluctant to let Jonathan leave Castle Dracula “you Shall see her before long. Until then. Remain my guests.” Dracula leaves Jonathan no opportunity for discussion: His words is final. Jonathan becomes afraid of his position at the count’s home “a distance that seemed to be drawing me away from her. And suddenly too, I was unaccountably afraid.” The word “Unaccountable afraid” gives out he is speechless and terrified of Dracula, because Dracual gave Jonathan a photograph of Mina (his Fiancee.) THings become worse for Jonathan and his fear rapidly increases, “One night, my fears took on a form and shape and stood before me, and I saw them in their true horror.”The word “True horror” means he saw something terrifying of Dracula and seemed still frightened from yesterday. In the middle of the play it makes you feel mysterious of him and terrified of the audience and makes them scared not knowing what he will do …show more content…

Dracula makes his plans for Jonathan clear. “You belong to me, Mr Harker, and so does she.” The word “belong” means that Dracula is going to keep Jonathan and Mina in his castle and explain to Jonathan that he is going to kidnap them both. Jonathan realises what Dracula is “A terrible dream from which you will wake up?I tell you, it is no dream, and you shall not wake, your world is the dream, this world the reality." The word “dream” suggests that Jonathan is thinking he is dreaming and hoping it isn’t real as he is scared of what he is going to do to Mina. Dracula takes Lucky’s life “And he was gone, but the darkness remained. And my soul.” The word “darkness” suggests that she became a vampire and felt lonely without anyone with her. In this sense you can see that Dracula is become more violent and showing his true