
How Does Edgar Allan Poe Use Diction In Silence A Fable

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Analysis of “Silence” “The region of which I speak is a dreary region in Libya, by the borders of the river Zaire, and there is no quiet there, nor silence.” (page 210; Tell Tale Heart; Poe) “Silence a Fable” was written by Edgar Allan Poe. This short story is about a person telling someone else about a terrible place kinda like hell. In this short story Edgar Allan Poe uses diction, imagery, and syntax to show us how terrible this place is. To begin Edgar Allan Poe uses diction quite a bit in his short story. Diction is the choice and use of words and phrases in speech and writing. In paragraph 2 page 210 Poe says “but palpitate forever and forever beneath the red eye of the sun with a tumultuous and convulsive motion.” These few …show more content…

Syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well formed sentences. In paragraph 3 and page 211 Poe says, “It was night, and the rain fell; and, falling, it was raining, but having fallen, it was blood.” This sentence is using repetition and a lot of commas to show that the character is freaking out a bit because the “rain” is actually blood. Poe also uses maybe hyphens throughout this whole story. Such as on page 211: “To their realm--the boundary… Upon my head--and the lilies… and tall, --and the rock.” These few random pieces of the story show how Poe uses hyphens to make the readers realize how scared this guy really is because he’s in a really terrible place right now. Lastly, in the entire story Poe uses very descriptive sentences. Such as in paragraph 4 page 212 he says, “Then I went down into the recesses of the morass and waded afar in among the wilderness of the lilies, and called upon the hippopotami which dwelt among the fans in the recesses of the morass.” These few lines show how long and descriptive Poe is trying to be so the readers understand and kind of see how terrible the place is. In conclusion by using repetition, random punctuation, and by having very descriptive sentences Poe achieved his goal of making the readers see how terrible and horrifying this place

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