How Does Elie Wiesel Change Throughout The Book Night

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Night #4 Elie Wiesel lost a lot throughout the WWII and the Holocaust. Elie a normal teen from Hungary gets sent to ghettos and concentration camps. But throughout the story Night, Elie loses a lot but the one thing he clings on to is hope. Elie's father was one of the biggest motivators that Elie had during at any point in any concentration camp. Mr, Wiesel was the last straw of normality in Ellie's life. Elie's father was there for him when they got separated from his mom and his sister when he was wiped and beaten. Mr, Wiesel was the thing that kept Elie waking up every morning. Elie's father said "Don't let yourself overcome with sleep, Eliezer "(Wiesel, 88) this shows his father wisdom and knowledge. It was not for Shlomo Elie probably