The Jungle: Fracking's Effect On The Environment

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Many people on our planet live in some type of environment. If one lives at the equator the climate it warmer than someone who lives near the poles. As the Earth rotates around the sun, seasons will change depending on which side the Earth is closer to. Winds also affect the climate and the environment. However a big factor that is coming into play with the environment is human activity. Ever since the industrial revolution man has been putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The has slowly changed our climate and the environment. In the book The Jungle written by __ it talks about factories in the city of Chicago spraying smoke out of large colomes. The closer the story got to these factories the less natural and less green the world around …show more content…

Oil is often used to meacheans today and it was a valuable resource at the time The Jungle took place. Drilling for oil can be risky when it comes to the environment, one method for getting oil is called fracking. Fracking is the action of pushing high pressure water into the Earth deep underground, this force opens up cracks and fissures in the ground to extract oil or gas. However fracking does not come without counsusquses, if done enough fracking can lead to changes to the tectonic plates underground. If fracking continues in these areas, earthquakes can occur in Oklahoma there have been recorded of small earthquakes While these earthquakes are small they should not be happening at all, Oklahoma is near the center of the North American Tectonic Plate. It should not have earthquakes, however because of fracking it does now. Currently in Illinois fracking is illegal, however that may change in the future because it might become a legal act. This action could result in more earthquakes in Illinois. Another interesting concern is fracking near the San Andreas fault line. This fault is right next to the border of two massive tectonic plates. This course of unwise action could have clatismic