How Does Euripide Use Revenge In Medea

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Revenge of the Crazy Housewife “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”- Mahatma Gandhi. Betrayal and revenge are acts of violence used in an attempt to make another experience pain in some way or another. In Euripides’ Medea, the vile acts of contempt and hatred show Medea’s rage and vindication toward her husband for his treachery. Medea is betrayed and decides that payback is necessary. This is the nature of hatred and betrayal, getting someone back for what they've done to you. Medea and her husband Jason of the Argonauts have a falling out after the conquering of the golden fleece. Medea, Jason and their children are expelled from the homeland, because Medea tried to assist Jason in becoming the king. Jason decides to sleep with another woman, because of Medea’s vile acts of assisted murder. “Now they're enemies. Their fine love's grown sick, diseased, for Jason, leaving his own children and my mistress, is lying on a royal wedding bed.”(21-24). Jason is marrying another princess in place of Medea, because he is angry with her and eventually wants her expelled from …show more content…

Medea calls upon the gods to see how Jason is acting and treating her when all she did was try to help him become king. Medea finds a great way to pay back her husband, involving her original murderous ways. Medea plans on revenge using poison and the death of Jason’s loved ones, including his new wife and his children. “No. The best method is the most direct, the one at which I have a special skill- I'll murder them with poison.” (453-455). Medea is a witch, and the “typical” knowledge of a witch is one that sees them brewing poisons and potions. “ Why are you rattling the doors like that, trying to unbar them so you can find their (the children's) bodies and me (Medea), the one who killed them?”(1571-1573). Medea has exacted all her revenge and is happy and content with the way her plan turned

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