
How Does Framework Theory Affect The Black Lives Matter Movement?

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The Internet has become a universal presence in modern society, changing the way people communicate with each other and shaping public discourse. One of the main debates surrounding the Internet is whether it can be seen as a new public domain, providing citizens with a space for critical discussion and debate on issues of common concern (Contributors to Wikimedia projects, 2004). The concept of the public domain was first proposed by the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas in the 1960s. According to Habermas et al. (1974, p. 49) the public sphere is a field of social life where individuals can gather together to engage in critical discussions and debates on issues of common concern. In this space, citizens can form opinions and influence the …show more content…

For example, 'Black Lives Matter' is a powerful framework that challenges the notion that the value of black life is lower than that of others. By using this framework, the movement has been able to draw attention and generate a sense of urgency around the issue of police brutality against black people (Carney & Kelekay, 2022, p. 560). In addition, media coverage of Black Life is Life has played an important role in shaping public opinion. The media has the right to emphasize certain aspects of the problem while downplaying others, which can affect people's views and reactions to the problem. The use of specific language and terminology in the media helps to define police brutality against black people in a way that attracts attention and generates a sense of urgency. This also helps to raise awareness of police violence against black people and bring this issue to the forefront of public awareness. The movement also heavily relies on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to mobilize supporters, share information, and expand the voice of black radicals. Social media enable the movement to reach global audiences, help democratize the flow of information, and allow the movement to participate in citizen journalism, which is crucial to exposing police atrocities and holding police accountable (Carney & Kelekay, 2022, p. 560). The role of media in the Black Lives Matter movement also demonstrates how the internet has become a new public domain. The Internet has enabled the movement to reach a global audience and created its own media ecosystem, challenging the narrative methods of mainstream

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