How Does Hanukkah Celebrate Latin American Jewish

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Hanukkah for Latin American Jews. Latin American Jews really aren’t too different in the way they celebrate hanukkah compared to a “normal” jewish person. The twists in the Jewish tradition are to keep the spanish culture which they came from. Families such as one that lives in Los Angeles have kept their culture intact even though they converted into judaism. All in All there really isn’t too much of a difference between the way the Latin-American Jews celebrate Hanukkah, they really just keep some of their spanish culture and blend it with their religion. What is an Ashkenazic Jew and a Sephardic Jew. Ashkenazic Jews are Jews that have an Easter European descent while the Sephardic Jews are of Spanish descent. The Sephardic Jews are said to be from Panamá, Colombia, Uruguay, Guatemala, México, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina. Spanish descended jews typically enjoy Arabic foods, Spanish rice and foods more customary of South America and tend to dress up more colorfully and tend to keep a their culture in the mix while being jewish. …show more content…

Before we get into the Latin side of Hanukkah we need to know how a regular jewish person would celebrate Hanukkah. Most Jewish people do not celebrate Christmas like a typical catholic household would but instead celebrate Hanukkah to commemorate the Maccabean revolt. The way that Hanukkah is celebrated by a normal Jewish person is eating foods cooked in oil, playing games such as dreidel, and even giving small Gelts to the children. The similarities between a the celebration of Hanukkah between a normal jewish person and a Latin Jew are vast the only main difference would be how Latin Jews change some traditions to keep some of their own native

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