How Does Harper Lee Use Robotics In To Kill A Mocking Bird

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In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus puts two and two together and catches the Ewells in a terrible lie. Like Atticus, there has been a specific moment in my life where I was able to figure out that someone lied right to my face. In eighth grade, another person and I were assigned to make a robotic car for STEM class; however, robotics and programming has never been my strong suit. Throughout the creation process, my lack of knowledge in the STEM field became extremely apparent, and I relied heavily on my partners somewhat decent knowledge of robotics. As time went on, my partner and I quickly realized that we would not be able to complete our project in time for the car race, and would have to stay after school together in order to finish. Realizing how big of a project this was, we both decided …show more content…

Soon enough, my “head-start” quickly turned into hours of hard-work completed all by my stressed-out self, for my partner deemed it unnecessary for him to be there. The next day, I decided that my partner probably had a good reason for not being there, and when I asked him myself, my assumption seemed correct. My partner stated how he had a last minute football practice that his parents would not let him get out of. Upon hearing his excuse, I immediately believed him and told him about the major work I did for our project, but my moment of calm was quickly replaced by a moment of sheer anger. While I was later talking to a friend of mine about my partner’s resolved dilemma, I was informed that my partner’s football practice did not even start until six o’clock. I was then told by another person that plays on the football team that my partner did not even go to practice that night. Upon hearing these words, I completely lost my cool, and decided that I would later confront the person who lied to