Hitler Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Jack and Hitler mirror each other in the ways they try to manipulate and harm innocent people.[Try and introduce the topic more, instead of immediately stating it. Ex. “In the book ‘The Lord of the Flies,’ Jacks rise to power mirrored hitlers, in the ways they attempt to manipulate and harm innocent people.”] Adolf Hitler and Jack from Lord of the flies are similar in the ways they try to grasp control of power around them. Hitler hurt his nation in his conquest to power, destroying the humanity around him. Jack also went through many high obstacles to achieve the majority of the power on the island. After Jack and Hitler gained the power they wanted, they caused many problems around them. They are uncivilized and unconnected with the outside …show more content…

Jack and Hitler both were born with the possession to commit evil. Humans are vulnerable and watch very closely to every action happening around us (Vashem, 2011, np). Hitler controlled the education of the Germans. He took over the minds of the innocent children from kindergarten to university (Vashem, 2011, np). Many of the teachers believed and supported the Nazi’s, so they taught their students views from Hitler’s mind (Vashem, 2011, np). He made them believe that all Jews are a problem, and he is the person to save them from the Jews. (Vashem, 2011, np) In Lord of the Flies, the children are innocent youth, they do not know about the evil and violence in today’s society. They are on an island with no adult supervision and no rules of the world apply to them. Through all their circumstances and rock bottom times on the island, they progress to be savages. The boys fight for survival, they begin to have no instincts and no morals. They attempt to kill each other, steal from each other and slowly progress to be murders. (Golding, 1962) Everyone on the island could get away with things that normally do not happen in today’s society. Some people were born evil, and they cannot help it. They cannot be treated either, although they can be locked away from their potential victims if they are dangerous. Not everybody thinks about committing atrocities like rape, homicide and genocides. In the right circumstance, they might but humans will do everything to survive. Some people may never use evil that is beneath them because they never are in a situation they feel they need to. In Lord of the Flies, Jack and the boys slowly progress to bringing the evil from under their skin to the surface. Jack turns the boys into savages just like him and they chant to one another “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him