How Does Huck Finn Conflict With Society

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Twain does his best to deal with the conflict between society and the individual. Huck does not want to abide by society’s laws and does not want to conform in Mark Twain’s, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck is forced to be civilized in the beginning, so he leaves society for freedom and lives by his own rules but even that does not make Huck’s life easy. Huck has trouble obeying society’s rules from the start of the book. The Widow Douglas takes Huck in to try to sivilize him says Huck in the quote, “The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me”(Twain 2). At many points early in the book, Miss Watson tries to make Huck more proper. Miss Watson would say, “Don’t put your feet up there Huckleberry”(Twain 3). Huck gets sick of hearing Miss Watson and Widow Douglas nag at him so he sets out for freedom from society. But before Huck gets the freedom he has longed for, Pap interferes and makes things difficult for some time. Although Pap takes …show more content…

Huck and Jim’s adventures down the Mississippi make the theme of conflict between society and individual more apparent. During their journey Huck mentions, “Nothing could be better”(Twain 115). Huck is very content with Jim and Huck’s new life on the river, at least at the start. Being a runaway slave like Jim and Huck helping him, Huck questions at many points in the book whether he should continue to help Jim or turn him in and follow society’s rules about slaves. This could possibly be Huck’s most important individual conflict throughout the book, considering he questions his choice many times. But Huck also feels like he can not turn Jim in because deep down he knows that Jim’s life will be better not being a slave. This shows that Huck battles between himself whether to follow society’s rules or his own morlas. When Huck chooses to not turn Jim in as a runaway slave, that makes it evident that he matures or so it