How Does Jonathan Swift Use Satire?

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Jonathan Swift was a literary genius who wrote many stories that were controversial to say the least. He is known as one of the greatest literary satirists in the history of literature. His use of satire could have been considered by several people as being disgusting and repulsive. However, if it were not for his particular use of satire, many of the issues that he discussed in his works may not have gotten the attention that they did. The basis of this essay is that Swift’s use of satire and the way that he used it was disgusting but also provided needed shock value. The shock of the stories led to the public discussing the works. If the author did not use the type of creativity that he did, his work may have been over looked by many people including academics which would have resulted in students not discussing this very topic. To get a better understanding of the works that created such a shock for the public, a little history of …show more content…

Before reading the story, one would believe that the story would be surrounded by a young woman. After all, the word nymph is in the title, and the word nymph is defined as “a beautiful or graceful young woman.” (Dictionary, 2014) Also according to The Literature Network, under the title the poem is “Written for the Honour of the Fair Sex.” (Literature, 2014.) So far, after first glance, we have discovered that most likely the story will revolve around a beautiful young woman and the author has even dedicated the work to the “Fair Sex.” This was not the case with the poem, though the poem went into great detail of a prostitute undressing after an evening of work. The work went into such detail that the reader would be able to imagine exactly what the woman was removing from what body part, although the author did not intend for this poem to be erotic. It was not the intent of the author to have men fantasizing about a woman

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