How Does Kate Chopin Create Tension In The Storm

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The word storm represents a violent disturbance of the atmosphere. Vigorous winds, large amounts of rain, thunder, lightning, and unpredictable temperatures. However, the word storm can take on various meanings when applied to life situations. Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” displays a story that focuses on two main characters, Calixta and Alcee. While the story centers around an actual storm that forces Bobinot, Calixta’s husband, from the house for an extended period of time, the inner storm that erupts for Calixta when Alcee arrives delineates a metaphoric storm. Their brief love affair is referred to the title, where the word “storm” exemplifies the strong erotic passion and lack of discipline among them. Meanwhile, as Bobinot and Bibi, Calixta’s …show more content…

As the overall tension of the storm and affair ending is resolved, the main unity is unearthed. What is wrong for one person necessarily might not be wrong for another. Chopin ends the storm, the affair, and the story. This seems to confirm that Chopin intended to align the sequence of events with the development of the storm. It is also an excellent example of the symbolism used in the story. The denotation of the last sentence is that the characters are happy at the passage of the storm. However, the allegation for Calixta and Alcee is much deeper, implying that their happiness is derived from the passion they shared throughout the storm. And so the story ends with everyone happy and satisfied. The storm is an effective setting and more than an adequate symbol. The storm brings the lovers together, to describing their sexual climax and then quietly and stylishly ending the affair. It is the description of the storm that creates the foundation and intensity of the interlude between Calixta and Alcee. Carrying it from beginning, climax and end, the storm is what makes it all possible. There is no suggestion that the protagonists will get together again, nor is there the promise that this happiness will last forever. Nevertheless, the simple bluntness of this statement gives the feeling that all is well and will remain well. The fact that the characters benefitted from this one act helps to make the point that the ideas of right and wrong are not clean cut. The justification shown in this story emphasizes the idea that it is important to think as an individual and do what feels right, not necessarily what is seen as