How Does Laura Esquivel Use Symbols In Like Water For Chocolate

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According to the definition given by google, the term symbol is defined as “a thing that represents” ( Laura Esquivel, author of Like Water for Chocolate incorporates symbols to give her novel an in depth meaning for her characters rather than the glass mirror told upon each page. Esquivel uses symbolic morals of self guidance to seek the inner flame in every individual in society, Biblical reference such as the comparison between Tita and The Virgin Mary, and imagery from the premonition Tita had of her “White Wedding” (Billy Joel),. These symbolic references create a living novel in the worlds between fantasy and reality.

Lust is one of the seven deadly sins. Quoting Esquivel herself on “” “..Each one of us is …show more content…

Once Tita began serving the recipe, it illuminated Gertrudis rapidly, it began to spiral into an emotional triangle. “... in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receive, and poor Gertrudis the medium, the conducting body through which the singular sexual message was passed” (54). The spiritual connection between the characters are shown through a personal reading. A reading in which a medium asks the spirits for guidance for individuals who seek it. The author uses symbolism to represent the sexcual tension they explore within their own bodies spiritually. This is resembled through the realm of the supernatural, the entrée represents the realm, as quoted Gertrudis the medium, Tita and Pedro the vulnerable ones who are affected by the emotions flowing through each soul. The author wants to provide the forbidden love Tita and Pedro share through lust. Gertrudis is used as the symbol of their forbidden love as she has one of her own. “... the perfection of her pure, virginal body contrasted with the passion, the lust, that leapt from her eyes, from every pore…. These things, and the sexual desire Juan had contained for so long…” (55). Mentioned from the scene at the table resembles Tita and Pedro's forbidden sin in physical action. As The couple watched before their eyes, they felt their own sensations cross through them. “How he longed to place his hand over that little patch of skin, and then all over her, as he had seen the man who …show more content…

“She tried to still her breathing, and only then did she hear the flutter of the wings of the last doves as they flew off” (244). This is a biblical reference, as the doves are a symbol of the holy spirit. The holy spirit is known to bring positive outcomes to the living and peace within a person. This symbolizes Pedro as the dove flying away into the gates of heaven, awaiting for Tita to take her last breath on earth. Perdo as the dove is the key for both their everlasting love to continue on in the heavens. Tita hears “the flutter of wings” (244) which is another symbol of an angel coming to retrieve the lost soul taken from earth and accompany to heaven. The author wants the readers to see Pedro as the angel who “flutters” (244) away into the heavens, which is the last thing Tita hears before his beating heart stops. In addition to the tunnel Tita first creates with her eyes, is Pedro’s last beating moments on earth. The tunnel signifies the “light”, an entry to heaven. Provided that several accounts reported from individuals before they die, they see a white bright light. Considering Tita’s “brilliant tunnel” Pedro see’s the light and enters the realm of death and into paradise awaiting his true