How Does Laurie Have A Turtle With Bicephaly

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Animals are the wonders of the world in many ways, from their contributions to the ecosystem to their unique senses and abilities differing from humans. What animal would your favorite entertainment character be? If the character Laurie in the story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson was an animal, he’d have many different parts from different animals to represent his many personality traits. If Laurie was an animal, he’d have the head of a Turtle with Bicephaly. This would represent his cuteness since he’s 5-6 years old and described as a -pg 250 “sweet-voiced nursery-school tot” Lauries mother. A Turtle with Bicephaly would also represent his two personalities, a disobedient boy named Charles who’s constantly stirring up trouble, and a pleasant boy that …show more content…

Laurie would have the tongue of a snake because it represents the deceitful many lies that he tells to his parents, for example, -Pg 251 “The teacher spanked a boy”-Laurie “Who was it” -Laurie’s mother “It was Charles” -Laurie. There was no Charles, the Charles was Laurie. If Laurie was an animal, he’d have the head of a Turtle with Bicephaly, the tongue of a snake, and the paws of a Wolverine. Laurie would have the paws of a Wolverine because a Wolverine uses its paws to reap violence. This describes Laurie as he’s one to resort to violence, and has resorted to violence many times in the story. An example of Laurie's display of violence is when Laurie hits a boy in the stomach and makes him cry. If Laurie was an animal, he’d have the head of a Turtle with Bicephaly, the tongue of a snake, the paws of a Wolverine, and he’d have the legs of a Cheetah as well. Laurie would have the paws of a Chettah due to his ability to run from consequences. One example of this is when Laurie tells a clueless young girl to say a bad word, she gets her mouth washed out with soap, while Laurie doesn’t have to pay for the

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