How Does Lene Shows The Harsh Reality For Indigenous Women

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Purple Threads, written by Jeanine Leane explores and describes the harsh reality for Indigenous women on the land focussing on racism against them as well as the challenges they faced against the society. It also describes their love for the land and their connection with each other. Sunny and her families has faced many challenges, which also shows their wisdom and strength of these Indigenous women. The text Purple Threads show the reader the harsh reality that Indigenous women are exposed to as well as the dominant society. Many school girls of Sunny's shows a disgraceful action towards Sunny only because she is Indigenous. She feels embarrassed at school because her food is in cereal packets. The girls call her aunties black witches. …show more content…

Being Indigenous, being lesser, in a rural community is challenging. The way Sunny and her families comprise different and sometimes conflicting personalities and yet manage to love and support each other to ensure their joint survival. A comment that Aunty Boo made that shows both racial discrimination and family abuse is when she said 'He'd flog her if he knew she was friendly within the likes of us'. This comment is talking about how Alfi views Aboriginal People very poorly and that he would let his anger out physically on his wife. He disapproves Milli's relationship with Sunny's family, because they are Aboriginal Australians. Even though people don't treat Indigenous people unfairly like Alfi, Sunny and her families still manage to support each other and make sure they are not hurt. When Sunny tells her Aunties about how she was treated at school and how the school girls called them black witches. Aunty Bubby said 'Never mind precious. I know that kids can be real cruel if they think ya different. Don't be upset, we'll work somethin' out.' This shows the that the Aunties cares about Sunny a lot and doesn't want her to feel upset. Aunty Bubby and Aunty Nan told Sunny about their stories and tell Sunny not to worry shows a beautiful respect of empathy. Although people don't treat them well because they are Indigenous, they still manage to support each