How Does Mrs. Doloney Cause Her To Have A Moment Of Insanity

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Sleazy Lawyer Essay James Goode R.A.F.T Exercise
Is it not clear your honour, that this loving wife was experiencing a brief moment of crippling insanity that caused her lash out against her husband? I am certain that she is a caring wife who sees him as a flower would see the sun, this love for him was indeed taken and shattered as she was told of their imminent divorce while she was already stressed for she was expecting child. Do you not believe that a woman with child, experiencing such crippling emotions might indeed lead her to have a moment of insanity?
As you can see before you stands my client and it is quite obvious she is expecting a child very soon. It has been proven many times that while a woman is pregnant hormones can affect how they think and act. Anyone who has ever been pregnant or with someone who is pregnant can clearly see that. Does it really seem so unlikely that while the brain is experiencing such moments of stress and internal chemical warfare that Mrs Maloney would attack her husband in a brief moment of insanity. Mrs Maloney’s actions were assuredly due to temporary insanity from the effects of being pregnant and then being told by her husband that he wished for a divorce. …show more content…

What happens if you take away the sun from a flower your honour? Does it not wilt and die? Well in the case of my client Mr Maloney was the sun and Mrs Maloney his flower. To be told that the very thing that gives her life is leaving her could cause any person let alone this caring wife to lash out against this cruel action of her husband. Have we not seen from the way she has pleaded temporary insanity and is so distraught over the death of her husband that she truly cared for