
How Does Nora's Use Of Other Character

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Nora’s various characteristics are revealed through the use of other characters in the play A Doll’s House, as when Nora speaks to the different characters, she acts differently and reveals what is not shown otherwise. This is because characters such as Helmer treat Nora as if she is a child, which gives the impression that they are not in a “normal” marriage. Their relationship is more like a father-daughter relationship. Krogstad reveals that Nora is not as immature as she looks to Helmer. Nora’s conversations with Dr Rank uncover that she can have a rather flirtatious nature, furthermore, is presented as someone with a rather sexual persona.
During the play A Doll’s House, the use of other characters is very effective at revealing specific …show more content…

For example, he calls her various names, such as ‘spend thrift’ or ‘squirrel’ this is similar to how someone would speak to a young child when they want attention, showing that Nora is a rather immature character. This also draws us to the conclusion that the way that people treat Nora makes it seem as if all of the other characters in the play are looking down upon her and this leads the viewer to agree with what the other characters think of Nora. For example, the way Torvald refers to Nora as a ‘spendthrift’ shows how he has a rather patronising nature. This further emphasises the theme of isolation within Nora’s character as it make her seem as if she is a child herself and leads us to question whether Ibsen wants us to feel sympathy for …show more content…

Despite this, he serves to reveal some of Nora’s characteristics. Nora often comes across as quite provocative and flirtatious when she is talking to Dr Rank however she has no romantic feelings for him. “Really, you are being quite absurd today. And here I was hoping you would be in a thoroughly good mood” (Ibsen 1984 P45) Even Rank’s worsening illness doesn’t appear to affect her feelings towards him. When Nora is speaking to Dr Rank, she appears much more affectionate towards him than when she talks to Helmer as he talks to Nora in a patronising nature that would make her feel as if she is

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