How Does O Connor Use The Southern Gothic Genre

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The Southern Gothic Genre can be described as fictional stories written about people with disturbed personalities and macabre situations. Several traits make up this genre, a few of them are, unrequited love, being an outsider, and good vs. evil. This genre does not deal with the supernatural, although it does deal with disturbed people with unusual personalities. In the short story “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”, Flannery O'Connor uses the Southern Gothic genre. This story was written in 1953. O’Connor uses the theme Good vs. Evil to describe when the Grandmother and the Misfit are arguing. The Misfit has just broken out of prison and is going around killing people. When the grandmother tells Bailey to take a detour, they end up flipping the car and the Misfit drives up with some of his friends. The Misfit kills the Grandmother and leaves the family running in the woods. O’Connor also uses the theme of Social Class to show the Southern Gothic Genre. The Grandmother uses the title of “a lady” to try to convince the Misfit not to kill her. …show more content…

“The Possibility of Evil” was written in 1965. In the story, Shirley Jackson uses the theme of being an outsider. The theme is used when she writes about “Miss Strangeworth”. “Miss Strangeworth” believes that it is her duty to protect the town and keep all of the evil out, but she really does not know anything about what is going on in her town, she just wants people to think that she does. Jackson also uses the theme of violence in the short story. When “Miss Strangeworth” sees that the baby next door is acting a little slow she sends the parents a letter about it, but in return she gets a letter saying to look at her rose garden and it is all torn up and in