
How Does Oedipus Cause His Own Downfall

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In the play "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles the main character goes through a tragic storyline, and then falls to his ultimate demise. The plot seems to suggest that his hubris, or excessive pride, was the cause of this downfall. The author makes it so that Oedipus seems to gain hubris through the acts he carries out in the story. But was this the only cause for the characters undoing? It is ironic that the main point the story seems to be trying to convey is that we cannot escape our true fate, even if we try with all our might to make this life our own. Even though you can see what you want, you can be completely blind at the same time. When Oedipus arrived at the gates of Thebes and answered the Sphinx's' riddle correctly, in turn killing
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