How Does Orwell Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

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In Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, the author uses propaganda to create a negative way to the opinions of the public. In Animal Farm, the animals use propaganda as deception towards other animals to manipulate them and to stay in power. Napoleon lies about Sunday meetings to prevent the other animals from having opinions. In the book, it says, “He announced that from now on the Sunday-morning meetings would come to an end. They were unnecessary, he said, and wasted time” (Orwell 827). Napoleon lies about the Sunday meetings wasting time because he does not want the other animals to be able to voice their opinions on the farm. This is negative because it limits the amount of power the rest of the animals have on the farm. If Napoleon has all the power …show more content…

Secondly, Napoleon lies about who came up with the idea of the windmill to persuade the animals to like him. In Animal Farm, it says, “…Napoleon had never in reality opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon’s own creation” (Orwell 828). Napoleon orders Squealer to tell the other animals that the windmill was his idea when the idea truthfully came from Snowball. Napoleon wanted to manipulate the animals through propaganda to think that he was a good and smart leader to stay in power on the farm. With the full ability to lie to the animals through propaganda and get away with it, Napoleon has the power to convince the farm that anything is true. This negatively impacts the farm because the animals do not have any grasp about what is true or not concerning their own memories. Napoleon’s deceptive ways of leading the