
How Does Ovid Portray The Golden Age?

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The 2001: A Space Odyssey “Dawn of Man “scene and the story of Ovid are more different in the way that they portray the “Golden Age” of humanity because Ovid’s story is a historical metaphor that suggests that humanity was once free from evil and sin while Stanley Kubrick suggests that humanity always had sinned. In Ovid’s poem, “The Four Ages,” Ovid explains that the Golden Age was a time when “the years went by in peace”, and that the “people were unaggressive, … unanxious… [and] happy”, which suggests that humanity had not sinned yet, and no evil existed, unlike the later on ‘Iron Age’. This description of society as unaggressive, happy, and peaceful suggests that humans had been content and did not harm each other. Ovid clearly shows his
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