
How Does Rabbit Proof Fence Show Racism

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I found that Rabbit-Proof Fence showed racism in many ways. Firstly, it is very racist that Neville and other white men call the mixed children “half-castes”. Story-wise, racism is also shown in how the whites strip the children of their parents to educate them to become more like the white society. Neville and his staff belittle the indigenous people as if their culture was barbaric and wrong. At the Moore River school, the girls’ indigenous clothing is removed and they are clothed in white, symbolizing how white society wants to rid them of their culture and teach them how to be white. When Gracie tries to talk to Molly, a teacher yells at her and says that they should not use that “jibber-jabber” (Morris). In their situation, it makes sense for them to communicate in their native language because they have been snatched from their families and are uncomfortable in their current situation. Yet, the teacher shows a lack of sympathy and insists that they must speak English. Nevertheless, the presentation that Neville delivers a presentation on integration schools for Aboriginals and “half-castes” and states how the effort will limit the “creation of an unwanted third-race” and how continuing to have children with white blood will “breed the Aboriginal out of the half-caste” …show more content…

The room that she slept in was very barren and not very homey, so it seemed like the people that she works for wanted to give her the bare minimum living conditions. Also, the way that the man came in and casually removed his pants as if he was deserving of having intercourse with was disgusting. I found it racist that he was expecting to use her body just as a means for sinful release, with obviously not caring for her with what little she has provided for

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