
How Does Ralph Change In Lord Of The Flies

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“We may stay here till we die.’ With that word the heat began to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence.Lord of the Flies by William Golding conveys Ralph changing from confident to timid, revealing that being aware of the circumstances is key to survival” (Golding 125). The thought of death hung over the group of boys throughout the book and grew heavier as the book moved along. When circumstances got worse for them they became aware of what needed to be done to survive. Ralph was a dynamic character in the book. Lord of the Flies by William Golding conveys Ralph changing from confident to timid, revealing that being aware of the circumstances is key to survival.

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Ralph has become some what more aware of the circumstances of the island and what needs to be done to keep things in order. "We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything” (Golding 192). Ralph was voted by the group as chief, so he felt that rules need to be set in order to have a successful way of obtaining food and other resources to survive. If an order was not set, Ralph felt that things would get out of control and become unorderly. As the days went on the boys and Ralph started to realize some things were falling apart even with the set rules. He noticed many of the boys screaming in their sleep from nightmares. These conflicts made Ralph mindful of the well being of the boys and his duty to keep them safe. Many of the boys started to forget about the fun and became scared. “Ralph was vexed to find how little he thought like a grownup and sighed again. The island was getting worse and worse” (Golding 243). Ralph had just began to realize how terrible their situation might be. When Ralph noted order beginning to break down he was quick to blame the island rather than the boys. He was scared to think it was his fault for the crumbling of civilization and order. He was scared that they may never be rescued. He felt less and less

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