How Does Red Blood Cells Ability To Carry Oxygen

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1. There are three primary functions of blood; transporting, defending, and regulating. Blood stands as the main conduit for nutrient transportation in the body. For starters, it take blood from the lungs and then passes it out to the various tissue along with nutrients it retrieved from the digestive tract. In addition to several nutrients and carbon dioxide, blood also moves several wastes such as nitrogen by way of capillary exchange.
2. The several types of plasma proteins are albumins, which not only provides the most osmotic pressure, but it is also the most plentiful protein; globulins, which are split into three subgroups (alpha, beta, and gamma), are utilized to move substances throughout the blood and with help from white blood cells, act as antibodies to fend off diseases. Fibrinogens are primarily inactive, however …show more content…

Blood is considered a connective tissue due to the fact that it essentially binds bodily systems together by way of nutrients, hormones, oxygen, and the disposal of waste. Furthermore, its make up is similar to that of traditional connective tissues, being a derivative of embryologically.

1. Red Blood Cell’s ability to carry oxygen stems from them being filled with hemoglobin, which is highly attracted to the chemical. The main component in this equation is the ‘heme’ portion of hemoglobin, which holds iron in the center of the four-polypeptide chains in the protein. This iron acts in combination with the oxygen molecules, thus accepting it in the lungs.
2. The Red Blood Cell’s shape is actually a byproduct of it not having a nucleus. It’s shape and lack of occupied space inside of it allows for oxygen to be passed through more freely as well as gases to be disseminated in a greater space.
3. One of the more prominent red blood cell disorders is anemia, where there is a shortage of either red blood cells or hemoglobin in the existing cells, resulting in excessive fatigue. Another would be Hemeolysis, which in summary is when RBC’s

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