How Does Santiago Use Magic In The Alchemist

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In the novel ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Cohelo, magic is a recurring theme present throughout the story. The ability to practice magic is seen as something not accessible to everyone, as only certain individuals have the gift of acquiring the knowledge of its powers. The aim of this essay is to examine and analyse the presence of magic in the novel and what such magic predominantly symbolises.

Magic plays an integral role in ‘The Alchemist’, symbolizing the supernatural forces working to help individuals realize their aspirations and fulfil their destinies. The concept of magic should not be taken literally; rather, it symbolizes the divine power that guides individuals toward their destination - as evidenced in Santiago's quest to find treasure …show more content…

The quote, "The alchemists spent years in their laboratories, watching the fire that purified metals" (Coelho, 83-84) emphasises the transformative power of magic. The alchemists' practice of purifying metals through fire serves as a metaphor for how the pursuit of magic leads to inner purification and enlightenment in the novel. Magic has an intimate connection with self-discovery throughout the narrative. Santiago begins his quest to fulfil his destiny, encountering various characters with magical abilities. These individuals serve as guides, helping Santiago connect to the spiritual realm and comprehend how everything is interconnected. Magic in the novel is not simply a plot device; it plays an integral role in developing the story's central themes. Furthermore, magic is not something bestowed upon certain individuals; rather, it requires years of dedication and self-discovery to master. Alchemists' prolonged gaze upon fire symbolizes the patience and discipline necessary to master magic. Santiago's journey toward understanding the language of the universe is not an easy one; rather, it requires him to look inward and confront his fears and