How Does Shakespeare Use Ethos Pathos Logos

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In the Shakespeare’s text, “Henry V” Shakespeare shows how Henry uses ethos, pathos, and logos are persuasive devices that help a speaker convince listeners to believe what they say. He gives his troops inspiration by using ethos, pathos, and logos. Henry uses ethos to show his soldiers how to fight, uses pathos to play on their emotions, and uses logos to provide step-by-step directions. In Shakespeare’s first claim, the entire speech employs ethos because Henry the king and an expert at war. For example, his speech shows his skills at waging battle and encouraging his troops. “We would not die in that man’s company that fears his fellowship to die with us (Shakespeare). This evidence shows that Henry calls his troops cowards so that they will be mad when they go into battle. Furthermore, Henry tells his men that if they don’t have any guts to fight, then leave. Henry didn’t want anybody that was scared to go into battle. He wanted the best chance against the French. Speaking this speech to his troops, his troops knew what he expected of them. This shows how good of a leader Henry was. Not only did the entire speech employ ethos because Henry was an expert at war, but the entire speech conveys pathos. …show more content…

Henry tells his troops to “[f]ight for me, your country, and God is on your side.” Henry is telling his troops to fight for everybody back home and that God will get us through this battle. For instance, he told his men that win we win, we will be celebrated forever. For example, this is saying that he encouraged his troops to go fight and win so that they would be celebrated forever. Telling this to his troops, Henry knew that he would have a good chance of winning the war. This demonstrates what kind of a leader Henry was. Not only did his speech convey pathos but it also demonstrated