
How Does Shawshank Redemption Open Your Mind

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The film Shawshank Redemption can really open your mind and change your perspectives. The arrival of a prisoner named Andy Dufresne, whose tenancy at Shawshank affected lives of everyone that was at prison. Andy was an innocent man, that was blamed for the murder of his wife and the person she had an affair with. He was having initial difficulty adjusting to prison life, especially since many of the other prisoners thought of him as a snob. A gang that was at the prison called the Sisters, they would frequently attack and rape him in the laundry room while the guards would not do anything about it. Despite these sufferings, however, Andy never complains or loses his confidence. Andy approaches Red and asks him to obtain a rock hammer because he is interested in rock collecting and carving. He soon pays Red to to smuggle in some polishing cloths and then, a larger poster of a pinup girl. Red fulfils Andy’s requests. Later in the film, Andy has a plan to escape and he successfully escapes away from prison. …show more content…

Andy is a strange figure who stood out from the rest of the inmates at Shawshank Prison, His calm, cool collectedness governs his interactions with the world around him, and he rarely departs to emotions. What the other prisoners took for snobbery was actually being reserve and caution as Andy tries to stay one step ahead of his adversaries. Without this strength, he would never have survived his years in prison nor managed to escape. Andy became a figure of fascination for many of his inmates, an iconic man. He was the one that can talk down the guards, who can manipulate the warden who escape out from under everyone’s noses. What we realise about him was that he was persuasive with others, always true to himself even in

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