
How Does Sherlock Holmes Use Nonverbal Communication

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The nonverbal ways one communicates can display and gain more about an individual rather than verbal communication. Seen in “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Sir Author Conan Doyle, nonverbal communication is used to persuade readers of opposing truths and is used to show Sherlock Holmes’s powers of deduction.
Throughout the novel nonverbal communication is used to display silent features of certain characters and helps to promote justice and understanding in the mystery of the chapters. Clarified by Sherlock in “A Scandal in Bohemia” in the quote “I see it, I deduce it...You see, but you do not observe” using repetition to emphasize that fact when one looks at something they do not properly look but just notice. He however observes and gains information from details in one’s dress and features to deduce different details about one’s personality and lifestyle. These “powers” to observe leads to information being known about contrasting characters without communication being used. This contrast helps display how communication does not have to be vital to locate information but can be observed and gained in silence. …show more content…

John Watson (the other protagonist) uses nonverbal communication to instead of find meaning, observe, and discover emotion, and identify traits of Sherlock Holmes that may help them become closer or to help him assist Sherlock in his studies. This contrast of application helps display how communication does not have to be vital to gain knowledge but shows how nonverbal communication can provide more meaning through

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