Essay On Society Identity

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The Society and our individual identities does affect the decisions we make because you there will always be different opinions and many of us just adjust to it when we want to fit in.The society does affect you in any ways especially when there are big things happening,they are called trends today and many people are trying to follow those trends to try and fit in.Every individual identity is different,everybody has there own,but people can have many things in common as well.Today’s society has changed so much from the past centuries,we have more technology and advancements but all of that is change.I think that my identity would change if I lived in a different time,for example:”The Wild West.” If I had lived in the Wild West,I think I would be much different than I am today because that was a totally different society.Back then it was truly survival of the fittest,no technology,just danger all around.I think that I would be so much more aware of everything

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