How Does Spartacus Fight For Freedom

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Spartacus, a young rebellious slave with hopes and dreams for freedom, is faced with many big decisions throughout his lifetime, but his bravery is put to the test. When his wife Varinia is sold to the Romans he must make the choice of whether to attack and risk getting beaten to death or fight and win freedom and justice for the gladiators. Spartacus was born in Thrace and later sold into slavery from the start he had the makings of a leader which helped him win over the trust and form alliances with the other gladiators. Imagine everyday of your life is being completely controlled, you can only speak when they tell you to and get up when they tell you to. The kitchen was exactly that, it was about mid-day and sitting down with benches curving around the kitchen with the stoves and big pots of soup in the middle. Then one of the guards spotted how Spartacus was watching Varinia as she rode away in a carriage so the guard told him that was the last time he was ever going to see her. Spartacus then gave him a look and it seemed as if the whole area became quiet and that every gladiator was staring at them. Like time stopped and was waiting for Spartacus to make a move, as he analyzed what he should do in this situation. …show more content…

At the moment the decision was made it was altered because he wanted to see and save the women he loves and that's what triggered him into doing such a thing. A very big decision to make in small amount of time, very crucial one to. Choosing a free life or a life filled with people telling you what to do, I don't believe Spartacus saw this as a difficult choice. He’d either be dead and free or physically free from the camp and be able to contact Varinia. The alternative to not making this decision is sitting in a gladiator camp and train up until a battle comes upon, them still having a chance of

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