
How Does Steinbeck Create An Allegory In Of Mice And Men

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Throughout the end of the 1930s, The Great Depression sent the world into an economic slowdown. Thousands poured money into stocks as the market rose vigorously throughout the 1920s. Reaching its peak in 1929 the market crashed and panic spread throughout the states. Americans spread the economic downfall to the rest of the world, resulting in a worldwide crisis. More than 20 percent of Americans were unemployed or struggling to keep working. In the novella Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck illustrates the hardships of migrant workers through The Great Depression. With the use of allegory, Steinbeck uses the characters to represent a broader population. This is shown strongly through the main characters; George, and Lennie, as well as the secondary …show more content…

Lennie senses his advantage and again offers to leave and go live in the mountains and never bother George again. Then, as he has done many times before, George sighs and begins, “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world...They come to a ranch an' work up a stake and then they go into town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they're poundin' their tail on some other ranch. They ain't got nothing to look ahead to”(13-14). Allegory is used throughout the book and Steinbeck uses each character in the book to represent a part of the population. George represents the average folks, the migrant workers during The Great Depression. Georges character represents a larger part of the population, people that are just like him. He represents the common workers doing what they need to survive. Allegory is woven into the book to show the similarities between the characters and the people dealing with The Great …show more content…

Curley had just yelled at Lennie for not speaking for himself, and accuses George of pulling something over. Candy explains that Curley is very handy and “S'pose Curley jumps a big guy an' licks him. Ever'body says what a game guy Curley is” (26). George replies annoyed “Seems like Curley ain't givin' nobody a chance”(26). Curly represents the small people. He represents the people that have little say so they create an illusion that they are bigger and scarier than they really are. Curley represents the powerless, and the ones who fight over each other to gain power. During The Great Depression, millions were powerless and had to focus on each day individually. This part of the population was small and powerless. Curley is the representation of the small people in the population. Curley’s anger and rage are only a cover up for how small he feels. His bark is worse than his

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