How Does Steinbeck Present The Power In Of Mice And Men

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Round 1:A2

Steinbeck portrays the power that each character has,where it comes from, what they do with it,and how it either hurts them or helps them.Lennie has lots of strength, but he doesn't know how to use it. Lennie’s strength gets him into trouble because he kills animals and when he is scared he doesn't let go of the object in his hands.George has the power over Lennie because he is always getting himself into trouble that george has to get him out of it.Lennie relies on george to help him on what to say or to say it for him.Curly is the bosses son which he thinks makes him tough. Curly likes to pick on guys taller and tougher out of jealousy.slim is the boss of the group because he is smart and can control the group. Slim gets to decide who is in the right or wrong and the punishment. When slim lie, he lies for the good of the group and to protect the weak.after lennie crushes curley's hand slim tells curly what to do "I think you got your han' caught in a machine. If you don't tell nobody what happened, we ain't going to. But you jus' tell an' try to get this guy canned and we'll tell ever'body, an' then will you get the laugh" (pg.64)

Round 2:B4 …show more content…

The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, and leave of us only in grief and pain for promised joy. Lennie and George come in with a big dream "An live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An have rabbits." The hope of ownership of a farm gives George and Lennie something to work for and to hope for; it is their American Dream, their "piece of the pie."(pg 14), but something big happened which caused them to abandon their dream.When Lennie kills Curley's wife. George realizes that he has to kill Lennie, and that he can't live out his dream with his best