How Does Steinbeck Use Idioms In Of Mice And Men

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The role of Idioms in Of Mice and Men In Of Mice & Men John Steinbeck uses idioms to make the novel more realistic. These idioms show the dialect, the region, and the historical context involved in the story. The dialect in a story is one of the most important key ideas in a story. If there was no dialect a region won’t be unique to its culture of the area. One of the idioms in Of Mice & Men is “Livin’ off the fatta of the lan”; which means to live off the land, like growing your own food. Idioms add something more to characteristics of characters and the setting. Imagine if there was a world without idioms life would be be plain and boring if there wasn’t any idioms. Idioms which tend to make one’s dialect more unique. Idioms don’t