How Does Superman Struggle With Sense Of Identity

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The theme of SSTK had shown throughout the story through Superman, and here’s how. The theme of SSTK is don’t change yourself for others’ satisfaction be who you are. It's shown through Superman's struggles with Sense of Identity throughout the graphic novel. The theme had shown whenever the story is from Superman’s perspective when his parents appear to him.

In SSTK, we see the theme portrayed through superman’s perspective. On pages 91 and 92, Superman's father says “But then, why are you willing to use some of your powers, but not others?” and “It’s as if you only want to be half of who you actually are." (p.101). What this means is that superman is changing himself for others. This then explains the quote, “But then, why are you willing to use some of your powers, but not others?” …show more content…

On pages 193-195, it shows Superman’s backstory. We learn that he came from a planet called Krypton. But Krypton is about to blow up, and in a desperate attempt, his parents use an escape pod for Superman. By meeting his diseased parents, Superman realizes who he is. On pages 218-219, Superman says, “I’m not totally sure. I’ve been discovering a lot about myself lately.” This confirms that Superman realizes his true self instead of the fake persona. This is evident because he could have gained all those new powers is that he was his full