How Does The Body Maintain Homeostasis

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All of the organs in the body maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system consisting of the heart and vessels is of vital importance. The heart pumps blood and other nutrients through the vessels to all of the other organs in the body. The heart, vessels, lungs all work together to maintain homeostasis. With out the circulatory system, no other organ could survive.

Conduction of the heart
Carried out by electrical impulses from the heart muscle( the myocardium) which causes the heart to beat. This beat is caused by the sinoatrial node firing at the top of the atrium. This natural pacemaker sends a signal to the atrioventricular node which sends the signal to the muscle fibers causing them to contract, all of this is done involuntary.

The heartbeat is a two part pumping action that takes about a second. The two phases are known as diastole and systole. The heart beat occurs about 60 to 80 times a minute when the body is at rest and beats more when the body is placed under stress. …show more content…

More women than men die of heart disease and thousands of children are born each year with heart defects. In addition, nearly 81 million Americans are living with some form of cardiovascular disease, which costs an estimated $449 billion each year. As the population ages, cardiovascular disease will have an even greater human and economic impact. It is estimated that the more than 75 million Americans will be 65 years of age or older by the year 2020. (Texas Heart Institute,

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